Monday, March 2, 2015


The Yom Tov of Purim is our most joyous holiday. As we read the Megillah I am greatly impressed by the two heroes of the story, Mordechai and Esther. Let me explain how I see these two messengers of G-D who are asked to save the Jewish.  The uniqueness of Purim is that it's a story of people, yes ordinary  people who acted in a most extraordinary  fashion.
   The Megillah describes Mordechai simply ; 
איש יהודי היה בשושן ושמו מרדכי

He was a Jew, an ordinary Jew.  He sat together with the other guards at the gate of the King. " Mordechai was just one of the people."
  Similarly, when the Megillah describes our Heroine Esther it says;והנערה יפת תואר וטובת מראה
She was a sweet and simple and pretty girl, eventually winning  a beauty contest leading her to become the Queen to Ahashveros. "Esther was just one of the people."
   I am extremely impressed with Mordechai and Esther.  They were ordinary people like you and me who lived at a time of crisis. 
   Though they were ordinary people, they lived during a period which called for greatness and these simple ordinary people, in responding with greatness became great. 
  Greatness in life is dependent upon our response to life.
  This is what Mordechai was saying to Esther in what I believe are the most important and cogent words in the entire Megillah,  כי אם החרש תחרישי כעת הזאת,
    At a time like this how can you turn your head away from the needs of our people, this is your hour , this is why you were brought forth on this earth, this is your Tafkid of life, don't let the hour pass.  There may never be another opportunity.  Time waits for no one. 
     That was the message of Mordechai, the ordinary man , to Esther the ordinary woman.  Together, because they heeded the call to save Jewry, they achieved greatness and became the saviors of the Jewish People.
     I often think that all of us have the capabilities of rising to the occasion, of becoming extraordinary, in helping our fellow Jew. In so many different ways, we can become our modern day heroes.
    I am reminded of the folk story of the Little Dutch Boy, Peter. He lived in a country below sea level where the people had built dikes to keep out the water. Peter playing at the seashore, saw moisture seeping through a tiny hole and he became frightened, he knew it meant danger. He cried out but no one heard him. He was afraid the opening was getting larger and the countryside would be flooded, so, he put his finger into the hole and stayed there all night. He saved  his country and little Peter is a symbol of heroism to this very day. Indeed, Peter rose to the occasion. 
    This is the story of Purim.  When Esther and Mordechai saw the great danger threatening the Jews, they too performed acts of courage and dedication and this foiled Haman's plot and Jewry was saved.
   I am sure you echo my feelings as we welcome The Prime Minister of Israel to our country.  Though there are many who may think he should not speak to the members of Congress, one thing I am sure of - that when he does address the assemblage he will speak for the salvation of the Jewish People and the State Of Isreal. 
    Mr. Netanyahu loves the Jewish People and his only concern is the safety and security of the Jewish State. I see him as an ordinary man who hears the cry , "this is your hour" and we know that your reason for your actions is the salvation of the Jewish People.
      "Heroes are made not born."  To be a hero one must act with great empathy, firmly and not with indifference. Mr. Netanyahu fits this bill.
       These are times we need men and women who are ordinary to act extraordinary.  In doing so we will help to hasten the coming of Moshiach in our time.
   May Hashem bless us with peace and tranquility and to use this Yom Tov of Purim to bring us closer to each other with love and happiness.

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