Wednesday, February 25, 2015


     As  we prepare to celebrate the  Holiday of  Purim, I am reminded of the Rabbinic statement,"Should all the festivals be annulled, Purim will endure". Our sages spoke with great foresight. They saw the inevitable future of the hatred that continues to be espoused against the Jews which is implied in the Holiday of Purim. They knew Israel's role as G-D's suffering servants would demand agonizing sacrifices. They saw Mordechai and Esther perennially confronting a hostile world with some Haman arrayed against them. 
    Leo Tolstoy wrote,"Anti Semitism is a mad passion akin to the lowest perversities of diseased human nature, it is the will to hate." A study of world history shows us how true these ideas are. This is the story of Purim, a story that bespeaks outright Anti- Semitism. 
  Today we are experiencing, to our dismay, that  "History repeats itself". It is a sorry state of affairs that hatred in general, and hatred  in particular for the Jew still exists. How ironic it must seem that Iran, the Persia of old, where the entire story of Purim took place is once again in the throes of hatred, killing and disrespect for human rights.  
      Mr. Netanyahu is so right as he speaks as our modern day Mordechai on behalf of the Jewish State  to the world and to the United States Congress. It is a sad state of affairs when so many who are afraid to listen to the truth  are willing to boycot the session, acting as intellectual and political puppets. 
     Mr. Netanyahu is issuing a warning that our modern day  Haman in Iran is, once again, raising its ugly hand of hatred. This time it can become a nuclear war against the Jewish People and the world at large.
  The audacity of members of the congress to walk out on their Ally, a man who only wants to warn the world of the possibility of another world disaster threatening humanity.
  Today I call out  to the world "Awake, Awake and take your heads out of the sand , a real threat to humanity lurks behind the falsehood of the perpetrators of hatred."
  Remember well these words of wisdom "Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect and thereby make everyone else deal with you in the same way".  
   When  humanity will understand , that it is not an"us" and "them" world. It is an "all of us" world, then humanity will be saved. As soon as people understand this fact, the world will be a better place. 
   The amazing thing about Purim, is that, in spite, of all the uncertainties of life, we still celebrate Purim as one of the most joyous holidays on our calendar. The reason is plain and simple, it is because we celebrate life, not because we have any guarantees but because we possess the confidence of a Mordechai and Esther.  We believe that there is a divine Providential design that will bring our salvation and the salvation of all persecuted Jews throughout the world.
    Today, like the time recorded in the Megillah, קימו וקבלו היהודים, we are to rededicate ourselves to a greater allegiance and commitment to Judaism. 
   With a great sense of  Bitachin  that will bring about a greater sense of better times for the Jewish People , we will echo the words of the Megillah, ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר, " For the Jews there was light and joy, gladness and honor" כן תהיה לנו, So may it be for us in our times.
  Freilichen Purim to all.

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