In life we should strive to have vision of our individual potential and then pursue that vision into reality.
In Herman Wouk's novel "Inside - Outside". He wrote,"Everyone has an inside self which is the Jewish self. While we may show a different outside self to the secular world, there is another inside which is outside."
The question I pose, as Jews, in this modern era is, "What is our inside and what is our outside? Better yet what part of our inside is portrayed on the outside and what part is pushed into the subterranean level of our personalities."
With this in mind I turn to our young adults, especially to our Jewish Singles, who may wonder where they fit in our modern Orthodox Jewish World.
This probing dilemma surfaces as we reflect upon two vastly different calendar experiences - Shabbat Chazon and Shabbat Nachamu.
The Gemorah states אלמלי משומרין ישראל את שתי שבתות כהלכתו מיד נגאלין That if all Israel were to observe two Shabbatot they would immediately be redeemed. The question that is posed, "Which Shabbatot are we talking about?"
The answer given is - Shabbat Chazon and Shabbat Nachamu. Why were these two chosen and what message do they convey to all of Jewry especially in our day and age?
There are two modes of thought that are given.
The first idea suggests that we must recognize that much of our Jewish history is replete with sorrow and mourning that needs to be recalled and to a certain extent recaptured emotionally, so that we can identify with that sorrowful past and realize our great loss of the destruction of our holy Temple and for the many atrocities befallen on us, especially those of the Holocaust. By remembering, we will be more vigilant and aware to make sure that such a past does not ever again, rear its ugly head. At the same time, we need not and should not remain with such a pessimistic attitude in life. We must never forget, but at the same time we need to move on to the next stage, which is one of hope and optimism.
This leads us to the Shabbat of Nachamu. It is a time to live with great hope. A time to express optimism. A time to beseech the Almighty, נחמו נחמו עמי, and bring to the Jewish People true Nechama, to move us out of the Shabbat Chazon, and lead us gloriously into the sunshine of Shabbat Nachamu.
Too often I see Jews observe only one of these Shabbatot. They are either living in the quagmire of Chazon, of mourning and bewailing , and fail to see the glory of Am Yisrael and fail to rally with the Jewish People in their joyous success, or they act In the reverse , they are Nachamu Jews and do not mourn the loss of our Mikdash and fail to see how much we are bereft of the loss of our Har Habayis.
This is what our Gemorah teaches, "If only Israel would observe two Shabbatot these two would be selected, Chazon of sadness and Nachamu of joy. Then we will mingle our tears over the loss of our Holy Sites and mix them with the tears of Joy for the glory that is Israel. Then and only then will we see the true Geulah take place.
Let us affirm that everyone has an inside self which is the Jewish self which must be exposed to others to make the Jewish persona known to all in joy and happiness. This must become our true self.
This is our calling today, celebrate Chazon, but move on with great optimism to the next plateau of Nachamu, of blessing, of optimism, and of hope for the glory of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.
ואתם הדבקים בהי אלוקיכם חיים כולכם היום
שבת שלום ומבורך
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