There is a very interesting Medrash that relates that on the way down from Mt. Moriah, Yitzchak said to his father Avraham, "It seems that Hashem asks much of us, perhaps too much for some to fulfill."Avraham softly replied, "True my son, Hashem's commands are ever like the mountain peak above us. Not all may reach its summit as we have just done, but all must keep climbing and reaching up as long as life is granted to us. We may never be perfect but our goals shall be".
I pose the following questions; "What are our goals in life? Are they attainable? Are they inspiring? Are they ones that will make life more meaningful? Do they possess values that will be transmitted to future generations in a positive and constructive fashion?"
Such questions must never go unanswered if we are to progress to a higher form of humanity and to a more productive and vibrant Judaic way of life.
With this idea, in mind, it is well to visit this week's Torah reading of Matos, where we hear the request of שבט גד וראובן to Moshe. "We have much cattle and the land on the east bank of the Jordan, is perfect for grazing. Permit us therefore, to remain on this side of the Jordan rather than to travel and reside in the land of Canaan". Moshe's response was very critical saying to them, האחיכם יבאו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה. "How can you let your brethren go to war and you sit in comfort and not help them fight their battles?"
Their response was, "You are right and we shall go forth with you into battle and after we succeed we will return to this land to build pens for our livestock and they added וערים לטפנו, and cities for our children."
Moshe was upset with their reply and changed the order of priorities and placed the emphasis on building cities for family and children and then buildimg pens for livestock.
Moshe was teaching them and future generations about our Judaic priorities and the true goals in life. Of course we need to be financially secure, but our priorities are our family and our children. They are our future, they are our essence, they are our main concern.
As mentioned previously, 'Life is compared to climbing a mountain and we must always focus on the peaks so that we can reach the summit.' As Jews our summit is family and living a life that is replete with Torah, morals and ethics.
During these nine days of mourning, reflecting upon the destruction of our Holy Temple, it is well to remember that it was all due to our שנאת חנם, and to bring a Tikun for this sinful behavior, we must strive to achieve greater אהבת חנם.
May our goals be reached and may we have the זכות to see the ביאת גואל צדק.
שבת שלום ונחמת ציון.
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