Thursday, January 29, 2015


    It is said "We may not be able to control the wind , but we can adjust the sails."
   We need to approach every task as though it were the moment that will define us.
   Many feel inundated and overcome by feelings of despair at the sad state of worldly affairs. How apropos is the story of a desperate man who approaches his Rav and tells him his situation is enough to make a person loose his religion. After reflecting on this statement the Rabbi responds, "On the  contrary, it is enough to make a person use his religion."
   It is with this thought that I encourage you to study with me this weeks Parsha, B'shalach.
    Let us reflect on the scene when Pharoah is in hot pursuit of the the Jewish People who are trying to escape from his army. As they continue to run for their lives, they find themselves facing the swirling waters of the Red Sea and they cry out in desperation to Hashem for his salvation. 
   Moshe tells the People  אל תיראו התיצבו וראו את ישועת הי
    "Do not fear, stand fast and see the salvation of Hashem."
 Hearing these words from Moshe, I can readily see the Jewish people feeling more relaxed, knowing that Hashem will take care of the situation and they need not worry. 
     Then I am mystified by what happens next.
 Moshe cries out to Hashem and prays fervently to G-D.
 Hashem with some indignation  says to Moshe מה תצעק אלי, "Why are you crying out to me and why are you indulging now in prayer. Now is not the time for prayer.דבר אל  בני ישראל ויסעו, tell the people to go forward."
 One wonders what is happening here? Only a sentence before they were told not to worry and G-D will save them and now Hashem says to them "Stop praying, act , do something, don't wait for Me. You need to take your destiny into your own hands." It is then that we read how  Nachshon jumped into the Red Sea and the waters split and the Jewish People walked through on dry land.
   The lesson is quite simple. We are to pray to Hashem for His guidance and His help, but at all times we must take the iniative and take responsibility for our own well being.
 In other words "G-D helps those who help themselves."
  Nachshon knew well that this is the Judaic way of life.While everyone was standing on the shore complaining and crying in desperation, Nachshon jumped forward and plunged into the waters. His action showed his true faith in the salvation of G-D  and he knew well that Hashem will  only intervene if he acts and takes his destiny into his own hands. Because of his action the Jewish People were saved.
  Our lives are indeed in our own hands. Too often we wait for others to act for us rather than taking hold of our own destiny and follow through to achieve our glorious future in life.
   Let us realize that responsibility rests with us alone, and we alone are accountable for our actions.
   Our lives can be successful if we use our G-D given talents and blessings and not wait of someone else to act on our behalf.
  We must become like the Nachshon of old. When faced with the challenges of life we need to summon our creative powers and 
take  decisive actions to make our lives more meaningful.
   We are truly the Captains  of our ship of destiny.
    When we do so, then and only then will be able to sing a song to The Lord and bring blessing to mankind.
                          זה קלי ואנוהו      This is my G-D and I shall glorify Him

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