Sitting in the Washington Convention Center with 18,000 people, roaring enthusiastically for a strong relationship between America and Israel, brought great exaltation to our Jewish Hearts. Whether we agree or disagree to all the ideals of AIPAC, and their platform, we still must come to the conclusion that this organization is bringing to the fore the glory, the magnificence, the everlasting existentialism of the Jewish State, our Holy Land, our State of Israel. Speaker after speaker enunciated the need to recognize the Glory of Israel, and the need to realize that “As Israel goes, so goes the Jewish People.”
Too often, there are many who salute, but do not speak. We need the many to come out from under their hidden rock when it comes to Israel and to speak the truth of the greatness and the need for the State of Israel, not only for the Jews, but for the survival of Humanity. This is what I heard at the AIPAC Conference, and which needs to be heard around the globe.
The world needs to salute and speak, but not out of two sides of their mouths, but to speak the truth without bias and prejudice. Enough of these meaningless words. Now is the time to come and speak the truth, to uphold the glory of the only true Democracy in the Middle East.
These are times when all Jews must come together under the rubric of our JewishState and to help, wherever we can, to assure the safety and security of all its inhabitants.
A pall came over the assembly when 18,000 people heard of the bombing in Mishmeret, injuring so many, including a small child. We all prayed together, for their recovery. At that moment there was unity in purpose and at that moment I prayed for the unity of עם ישראל at all times, not only when disaster occurs.
In particular, I was impressed by Vice President Pence’s speech, especially, when he concluded with the blessing of Bircat Hacohanim, in English, reciting it quite eloquently. At that moment I recalled a Pasuk from this week’s Sedrah Shmini,wherein it states,
“וישא אהרן אתידיו אל העם ויברכם, Aharon raises his hands and blessed the Jewish People.”
Rashi, explains, ברכת כוהנים יברכך יאר ישא, Aharon blessed them with the threefold blessing of Bircat Kohanim. This was the first time that this Bracha was recited. As the Vice President recited it, I would have mentioned to him the few requirements that accompanied the Kohenat this time.
First and foremost it was to be recited in Hebrew, which is to us, לשון הקודש, the holy language, the language of G-D. The world needs to know that when we speak,we do so in the name of the Holy One,for we are totally dependent on the will of Hashem.
Second, the Kohen must stretch forth his hands, which is a symbolic expression of friendship, and a feeling to be embraced. Israel must always feel this embracing gesture from America and, more so, from its neighbors, if peace is to be achieved and for them to stop bombing helpless children and innocent people. Then and only then does the Bracha continue with the awesome words of שים שלום, invoking the Blessing of G-D to bring peace.
This is our message to the 18,000 people who were in attendance.
“Jews in the State of Israel, are willing to speak in one language of peace, not from two sides of their mouth. We are willing to stretch forth our hands as long as ‘their hands’ are not dripping with Jewish blood.”
I echo the words of those who spoke as friends of Israel, and not those who do so, only, for political gains. The time is ripe for rapprochement, bringing about a lasting peace and willing to live side by side as good and righteous neighbors, ending the hostilities and the bloodshed that wreaks havoc on everyone.
The time for peace is now and if we pursue that goal we will continue to pray with great confidence, הי עוז לעמו יתן הי יברך את עמו בשל