Thursday, July 31, 2014


           Here I was on 47th. Street and 2nd Ave. with thousands of people from all corners of New York coming together with one agenda; to tell the world and the people of Israel “We are One Nation Indivisible and we rejoice in your victories and we anguish with your pains.” 
          We will raise our voices “We are one and we will try in what ever way possible, to help our brothers and sisters in our Holy Land, in their hour of need.  We realize that by helping them, we are, in truth, helping ourselves.

          Look around the world.  Without becoming excessively alarming, I am sorry to say, we might be witnessing another Vachnacht.  Look at what is taking place in FranceEngland,Germany and right here in our United States of America in Florida.  Jews are being spat on. Jews are being called pejorative names. Swastikas are being painted on Synagogues.

         "Don't worry Rabbi, it can't happen here.” I hope not. But truth be told, there is unrest that is being exhibited against the Jewish People and that frightens me more and more. We all need to realize that more than Israel needs us we need Israel. We need it to be secure and free from the murderous onslaughts of Hamas and its neighbors.

            I remember reading a poignant story told by Goldie Meir about her home town in Kiev,Russia. She relates of the precarious conditions under which the Jews lived. She recalled that whenever there was a rumor of a possible progrom, her father would take boards and nail them across the doors and the windows, just as we do for hurricanes. Then, when the rumor subsided and the hooligans did not show up, the boards were removed.

            Then there would be another rumor and again he boarded up the windows and doors and again it subsided and again the boards were removed.

            And Golda commented, "NEBECH, my father thought that boarding up was the answer to the progroms.”

            Then came the day, when they were least prepared. No ‘boarding up’ took place. The hooligans came and the saddest and most tragic part was not only that many Jews were killed, but the manner in which they died. They did not fight. They did not defend themselves. They were “NEBECH” boarders.

           My friends, we are no longer boarders.  I sense the world doesn't like the Jew to stand up and fight for his life. They would rather see us board up our homes out of fright and, cowardly, bend beneath the tyrants’ murderous hands.

Well that ‘ain't’ going to happen and the world needs to know this and begin to respect the only true democracy in the Middle East. I sense, that after they realize this, the quicker they are going to experience peace in that part of the world.

          My wife, Mimi, reminded me of a very interesting story about Rabbi Israel Lau, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel. Rabbi Lau, many years ago, went to visit the Lubavitcher Rebbez”l. The Rebbe asked, "what the Jews are saying these days in Israel?" (we need to remember it was right after the Yom Kippur war.) Rabbi Lau replied, “They are asking each other “Vos Vet Zein?” “What will be?” to which the Rebbe answered vehemently, ”Yiden Fregen Nit Vos Vet Zein, Zei Fregen , Vos Geit Men Ton”, “ Jews do not ask what will be, they ask, ‘What are we going to do!!’

          Indeed, this is what we are, Thank G-D, experiencing today in Israel. “What will be?” is the question of a victim. “What are we going to do”, is a proactive question which results in the answer , “Lets forge ahead , and accomplish our mission for the sake of the Jewish People."

           As we approach the solemn and mournful day of Tisha B'av, the often repeated wordאיכה comes to mind as we search for answers as to why these dastardly acts of hatred and murder are being inflicted on the Jewish people. It is a question that has agonized us for centuries and most often goes unanswered.

            Reflecting on this weeks’ Sedrah, and the Matzav in Eretz Yisrael the word איכה is a fascinating word used by Moshe  as he complains to Hashem  of the difficulty he is having being the leader of the Jewish People. "איכה How can I carry Your people alone?” This same word is used by Jeremiah in the Book of Lamentations wherein the prophet bewails "איכה how the city ofJerusalem lies desolate".

            Hashem used the same word איכה when speaking to Adam in Beraishis.

            However, the vowels that Hashem used to Adam when he tried to hide from Him were “Ayeka, where are you?”      

Hashem knew, well, where Adam was.  The question was really to give Adam an opportunity for a self evaluation, of where he was, not merely physically, but more so in the scheme of things in playing the role of being created in the Image of G-D. This question is a probing one into the behavior of man as it relates to him and how he relates to the world around him. 

           We see the word איכה has a dual meaning.

            For Moshe it was a time to evaluate his important role as the teacher and the leader of the Jewish People and to adjust to his G-D given role - bringing Am Yisrael to enter the Promised Land.

For Jeremiah it was a time to evaluate and mourn the Churban Habayis, but more so, to give Chizuk to the people. They must look to the future and to repent their ways to have theZ'chut to see the Temple rebuilt.

          These are trying days for B’nai Yisrael in Artzeinu Hakidosah.  Realizing the immensity of the situation should encourage our evaluation as individuals of where our Ayeka is and through this process of self evaluation we will forge a greater Achdut and bring about the glory of man who was created in the Image of G-D.

           Then and only then will we turn the Avelut of Tisha B'av into days of Simcha and we will see the people of Israel, once again, dancing in the streets of Jeruslaem in peace and security.

  Our hope and prayer is to turn the Aycha , through the Ayeka into a state of  ששון ושמחה ושלום .




           Here I was on 47th. Street and 2nd Ave. with thousands of people from all corners of New York coming together with one agenda; to tell the world and the people of Israel “We are One Nation Indivisible and we rejoice in your victories and we anguish with your pains.” 
          We will raise our voices “We are one and we will try in what ever way possible, to help our brothers and sisters in our Holy Land, in their hour of need.  We realize that by helping them, we are, in truth, helping ourselves.

          Look around the world.  Without becoming excessively alarming, I am sorry to say, we might be witnessing another Vachnacht.  Look at what is taking place in FranceEngland,Germany and right here in our United States of America in Florida.  Jews are being spat on. Jews are being called pejorative names. Swastikas are being painted on Synagogues.

         "Don't worry Rabbi, it can't happen here.” I hope not. But truth be told, there is unrest that is being exhibited against the Jewish People and that frightens me more and more. We all need to realize that more than Israel needs us we need Israel. We need it to be secure and free from the murderous onslaughts of Hamas and its neighbors.

            I remember reading a poignant story told by Goldie Meir about her home town in Kiev,Russia. She relates of the precarious conditions under which the Jews lived. She recalled that whenever there was a rumor of a possible progrom, her father would take boards and nail them across the doors and the windows, just as we do for hurricanes. Then, when the rumor subsided and the hooligans did not show up, the boards were removed.

            Then there would be another rumor and again he boarded up the windows and doors and again it subsided and again the boards were removed.

            And Golda commented, "NEBECH, my father thought that boarding up was the answer to the progroms.”

            Then came the day, when they were least prepared. No ‘boarding up’ took place. The hooligans came and the saddest and most tragic part was not only that many Jews were killed, but the manner in which they died. They did not fight. They did not defend themselves. They were “NEBECH” boarders.

           My friends, we are no longer boarders.  I sense the world doesn't like the Jew to stand up and fight for his life. They would rather see us board up our homes out of fright and, cowardly, bend beneath the tyrants’ murderous hands.

Well that ‘ain't’ going to happen and the world needs to know this and begin to respect the only true democracy in the Middle East. I sense, that after they realize this, the quicker they are going to experience peace in that part of the world.

          My wife, Mimi, reminded me of a very interesting story about Rabbi Israel Lau, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel. Rabbi Lau, many years ago, went to visit the Lubavitcher Rebbez”l. The Rebbe asked, "what the Jews are saying these days in Israel?" (we need to remember it was right after the Yom Kippur war.) Rabbi Lau replied, “They are asking each other “Vos Vet Zein?” “What will be?” to which the Rebbe answered vehemently, ”Yiden Fregen Nit Vos Vet Zein, Zei Fregen , Vos Geit Men Ton”, “ Jews do not ask what will be, they ask, ‘What are we going to do!!’

          Indeed, this is what we are, Thank G-D, experiencing today in Israel. “What will be?” is the question of a victim. “What are we going to do”, is a proactive question which results in the answer , “Lets forge ahead , and accomplish our mission for the sake of the Jewish People."

           As we approach the solemn and mournful day of Tisha B'av, the often repeated wordאיכה comes to mind as we search for answers as to why these dastardly acts of hatred and murder are being inflicted on the Jewish people. It is a question that has agonized us for centuries and most often goes unanswered.

            Reflecting on this weeks’ Sedrah, and the Matzav in Eretz Yisrael the word איכה is a fascinating word used by Moshe  as he complains to Hashem  of the difficulty he is having being the leader of the Jewish People. "איכה How can I carry Your people alone?” This same word is used by Jeremiah in the Book of Lamentations wherein the prophet bewails "איכה how the city ofJerusalem lies desolate".

            Hashem used the same word איכה when speaking to Adam in Beraishis.

            However, the vowels that Hashem used to Adam when he tried to hide from Him were “Ayeka, where are you?”      

Hashem knew, well, where Adam was.  The question was really to give Adam an opportunity for a self evaluation, of where he was, not merely physically, but more so in the scheme of things in playing the role of being created in the Image of G-D. This question is a probing one into the behavior of man as it relates to him and how he relates to the world around him. 

           We see the word איכה has a dual meaning.

            For Moshe it was a time to evaluate his important role as the teacher and the leader of the Jewish People and to adjust to his G-D given role - bringing Am Yisrael to enter the Promised Land.

For Jeremiah it was a time to evaluate and mourn the Churban Habayis, but more so, to give Chizuk to the people. They must look to the future and to repent their ways to have theZ'chut to see the Temple rebuilt.

          These are trying days for B’nai Yisrael in Artzeinu Hakidosah.  Realizing the immensity of the situation should encourage our evaluation as individuals of where our Ayeka is and through this process of self evaluation we will forge a greater Achdut and bring about the glory of man who was created in the Image of G-D.

           Then and only then will we turn the Avelut of Tisha B'av into days of Simcha and we will see the people of Israel, once again, dancing in the streets of Jeruslaem in peace and security.

  Our hope and prayer is to turn the Aycha , through the Ayeka into a state of  ששון ושמחה ושלום .



Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I pen my Blog with an anguished heart, a confused mind, and a great sense of pain and empathy for our sisters and brothers in our glorious Sate of Israel. I have been speaking with dear friends in Israel and they tell me of the funerals of young soldiers they attend and of those young beautiful boys severely injured, fighting for their lives הי״ד.
Rabbi Yehudah Halevy wrote “ לבי במזרח ואנכי בסוף מערב 
“Though my body is far removed from the Holy Land, though oceans and continents divide us, לבי  my heart and soul is in the east, in Israel”
There are times when a person finds he is “distant” (physically) from someplace as we are with the State of Israel at this crucial time.  However, we still maintain a closeness and proximity to the place we love and admire Artzeinu Hakidosha.
The beauty of a Jew is his relationship to other Jews and his involvement with Medinat Yisrael. We are convinced, more and more, as we see what is taking place throughout our world vis a vis their attitude to Israel and the Jewish People, in general, and  that without our Jewish State we would be null and void. True, our Torah holds us together, but it is only our Jewish State that gives us a place of security and well being that we cannot find anyplace else.
To paraphrase the words of Moshe      ......לא אוכל לבדי שאת
I hear the State of Israel saying to all of us       לא אוכל לבדי  , ‘Don’t leave us alone, empathize with us, and give us your assurance and encouragement to help us survive. Speak up for us to your Governments and to all people of influence that Israel needs to survive for the sake of all humanity.’
 When the FAA prohibited flights to Ben Gurion airport, how proud I was when I saw Mayor Bloomberg stand up and show the world that he is flying to Israel, not on his private jet, but on ELAL Airlines.  No one has the right to close an airport of a sovereign and Free State - Kol Hakovod Mayor Bloomberg.  You are truly a righteous Jew and we pay homage to your dedication and commitment to The State of Israel.
Here me well world,  Jews are here to stay , we will not be discarded to the heap of oblivion and  as we survive we will do so in our own land and no one will take it from us  and you better get used to this for we are eternal as our G-D is eternal.
 I recall the story of Samuel Johnson who would spend a lot of time in the company of Oliver Goldsmith, the famous author. One day as Johnson was striding along the streets of London, with little Goldsmith alongside, trying hard to keep up with him, Johnson asked his friend “Goldie do you see that man across the street? I hate him.”
 “But Johnson”, protested Goldsmith, “you don’t even know the man.”
“That’s why I hate him, Goldie, that’s why I hate him. If I knew him I might love him.”
If only the world would begin to realize that Israel is not the enemy.  If only the world would  begin to realize that we are truly the friends of the free world, maybe, just maybe, they would begin to love us and see who the true enemy really is.. But alas, hatred is so inborn in so many, that the truth cannot be recognized.  But we will continue to strive for the truth, and then we will experience the Messianic period that we have been waiting for. Until that day comes, we will continue to encourage Israel to do all they can for their survival and never to permit themselves to be dictated by other countries who think they know what is best for the Jewish State.
We will raise our voices in harmony to our State Department and to our President and let them know that we expect them to back their ally to the fullest to bring about the end of hostility in the region and bring security and peace to our Homeland.
May our T’ffilot soar heavenward to reach the Kisai Hakovod and may Hashem see the Achdut of Am Yisroel at this devastating hour to end this horrific war so that the citizens of Israel can live in Shalom, ה׳ יברך את עמו בשלום.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


It is said “Fidelity sleeps on the hardest stone more swiftly than betrayal on the softest pillow”.  As a Jew one cannot overemphasize the importance of loyalty. The greatest legacy we can give to our children is love for our people and loyalty to one self.

I am reminded of the famous Medrash which relates the following - אשמדי   brought a person with two heads before King Solomon to settle a question of inheritance. King Solomon was asked to judge whether or not the petitioner ought to receive a double portion of his father's estate, one portion for each of his heads. The Wise King suggested that boiling water be poured over one of the heads, and if the other head did not feel the pain this would prove that each head was distinct and an entity unto itself.

Permit me to use this analogy for the Jewish People.  We can be compared to a multi headed organism where each head thinks for himself and acts according to his own desires and goals in life but when some societal boiling water is poured over one of these heads, we instinctively cry out in pain seeking to help the other victimized brother/sister. We are individuals, but we are always loyal and connected to one another.
This very cogent message comes to the fore in this weeks Torah reading of Matos, wherein we are told that the tribes of ReuvenGad and a half of the population of Menashe came before Moshe with a request - Instead of traveling with the rest of the Jewish People across the Jordan to the Promised Land they would rather remain on the Eastern shore of the Jordan.

Hearing this, Moshe takes umbrage to their request and in a very stern voice says to them:האחיכם יבואו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה
"Shall your brethren go to war and you shall stay here in safety?"

 was teaching these tribes an important lesson in loyalty. While a Jew is threatened or endangered, no other Jew may stand idly by and pretend it is not his business. We are one and in our loyalty for each other we will always be there for one another.

These are difficult times for our Jewish State.  They need to feel that, even though we are thousands of miles away, our loyalty and our hearts and minds are with them.  We will do whatever we can through the United States government and encourage them to tell the world powers that they have  our ״backs" and will help us with additional armaments and if need be extra Iron Domes to protect the State of Israel.
We must continue to pray to Hashem for a quick and viable solution to this conflict and to see the day when עם ישראל will be able to live in peace and security in ארצנו הקדושה.

Friday, July 11, 2014


There are times in life that are extremely painful, especially after the death of a loved one.  During the seven day of Shiva, the pain of loss is ameliorated with visits of friends and relatives with expressions of  nechamah .  I felt an immense feeling of bereavement during the shiva period after the Peterah  of my beloved sister Diane.  I am grateful for receiving the much needed nechamah from our friends and family bringing consolation to our family.

This  Shabbat we will read Parshat Pinchas. I find this Sedrah  very fascinating and most intriguing, especially the personality of Pinchas and how he acted when viewing a very dastardly act, creating a Chilul Hashem, in public, by a Jew, in front of the entire Jewish People.  
Pinchas steps forward and  was קנה לאלוקיו, was 'Zealous for G -D'. He killed the desecrators to protect the name of Hashem and to be M'Kadesh Shaym Shamayim.  

One may ask ," Who was this Pinchas who stepped forward to protect the honor of G-D and did so in front of Moshe?"
Chazal say פנחס זו אליהו, "Elijah is the reincarnation of Pinchas". They are truly one person.
This idea is prompted by the fact that both of these personalities performed  zealous acts on behalf of Hashem.

I wonder with you today, amidst all that is happening in Israel, is there a place for zealousness in our day and age?

My question is prompted by the very fact that Pinchas was the grandson of Aaron , a man that is described as  אוהב שלום ורודף שלום and here Pinchas acts with such zealousness. Why did he act this way?

I sense his action was commendable, for the Torah states that Hashem agreed with his action -
השיב את חמתי מעל בני ישראל 
Pinchas "turned G-d's wrath away from the Jewish People."

Even though the zealous action of Pinchas turned the anger of Hashem into forgiveness, G-d rewarded Pinchas with the 'Covenant of Peace' suggesting that a zealous attitude should be accompanied by the attribute of peace.

In light of all the present events of our day, I am beginning to believe that we need to take control of our lives within the law and, especially, within a Torah oriented way.  But I feel that taking control of our lives is a function in the fulfillment of our daily living. To be out of control, is to feel helpless and dependent on others. As a people we have learned well, through history, we can never depend upon others. It just does not work for the Jewish people . Powerlessness brings disaster and only leads to the downfall of humanity.  

Yiddishkeit  teaches us "take control of our lives and beseech the Almighty to help us succeed and to help bring about our ישועה, our salvation."

Remember how Nachshon jumped into the Red Sea? By doing so he caused the waters to split and the Jewish People were saved . 

There are times we cannot wait for others to act on our behalf.   To often that help never comes and we stand and wait, ואין קול ואין עונה. 

Hashem has blessed us with the capabilities of success and it is up to us to take hold of this שפע and to use it in the most appropriate fashion possible.  However, there will not be any success if we remain passive. Life demands action on our part.  Life is not to be a spectator but rather life is to be an active participant in our G-d given destiny.

At this most crucial time for the State of Israel, we pray on behalf of the IDF and the government of Israel that their actions will bring about a lasting peace for the Jewish People.

May we be blessed to have the Z'chut to see the ביאת גואל צדק.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


 write these words with tears in my eyes and pain in my heart as our nation mourns the loss of three beautiful, young men cut down brutally in the prime of their lives. One wonders what words of solace can be expressed to their families and to an entire nation that grieves with such emotional tension that knars away at the fiber of all our being.  I, like everyone else, is searching for some comfort.  Today, my search takes me to our Neveim. In particular, my mind and my heart are directed to the Navi Habakuk, a Navi who looks at the evils that exists in this world and, in his anguish and feelings of anger and depression, cries out to G-D. Listen well to the words of Habakuk in chapter one and chapter two.
 עד אנה ה׳ שועתי ולא תשמע אזעק אליך חמס ולא תושיע
“O’Lord how long shall I cry for help, and Thou will not hear me.
Or cry to Thee “Violence” and Thou will not save me?
Why dost Thou make me see wrongs and look upon trouble?
Destruction and violence are before me, strife and contention arise.
For the wicked surround the righteous, and justice goes forth perverted. And then Habakkuk relates how Hashem answers him.
And the Lord answered me “Write the vision, make it plain upon the tablets, so he may run who reads it. For there is yet another vision about the appointed time, it will speak of the End and it will not deceive you.
אם יתמהמה חכה לו
Though it may tarry, await it, for it will surely come, it will not delay.”
I sense Habakuk is speaking to K’lall Yisrael at this most devastating time in Jewish history.  He feels for our depressed and angered feelings and as he cried out to Hashem, we cry out to Hashem.  We still hold dear to a vision of a better time. There are times we may challenge Hashem for the lack of justice in this world. I can surmise the Navi saying to us, “If the world is an unjust world, that’s because there are unjust people in the world, and what you have created you have created by yourself and now is the time to clean up this mess which you have permitted to proliferate and become part of your societal malady. But a new vision is on the horizon and we are to become the masters of our own destiny to help that vision of a just and peaceful society where our Jewish people will not be threatened again by the beasts of our world.”
We will not be able to see this vision of Hashem without first taking a strong stand to bring about a better society that dedicates themselves to their protection and to the guaranteed survival of our people.
Our Jewish Chalutzim, when they came to our Promised Land, had a glorious vision and we need to steady our course in life to continue to bring about that glorious vision of a land where all Jews can live in harmony and peace.
 The unity that existed in Israel and around the globe over these past weeks as we prayed together and tried to give each other the needed Chizuk , must continue to be emblazoned upon our hearts and minds in memory of our young Kedoshim and to realize more and more that we are all Achim.
We are all Brothers and Sisters. We are all Am Yisrael. No one and no hateful action can ever disrupt our recognition that we are Am Echad and we will together rise up from our Avelus to a day of Yagon V’Simcha , V’Yishuah , VNechama.  
On a personal note, as a parent and as a grandparent – my heart goes out to the families of Naftali,Gilad and Eyal. May Hashem give them the strength through this horrific time and may they findNechama in their hours of Aveilus. 
K’lal Yisroel is sitting Shiva with the Frankel’s, the Shaar’s and the Yifrach’s.
Hamakom Yenachem Eschem V’es Am Yisroel.