The Hebrew poet, Chaim Nachman Bialik, when describing the Jewish Holidays said, “If the Holidays seem empty to you it is because we are empty and if they are full of insights, it is because we come to them with open minds and open souls”. This idea can be applied to our textual study of the Torah, specifically, to a very interesting episode in the lives of Moshe and the Jewish People as described in this week’s Sedrah of Chukas.
I am referring to the story, that we are all familiar with, when Moshe commits a grave sin. The Jewish people asked for water and Moshe was told:קח את המטה והקהל את העדה אתה ואהרן אחיך ודברתם אל הסלע לעיניהם ונתן מימיו והוצא להם מים מן הסלע
To take his rod and speak to the rock and water will gush forth. From the text we read that G-D told Moshe to speak to the rock rather than to hit the rock. The act of hitting the rock by Moshe caused him to lose the opportunity to enter the Promised Land. I am sure many would ask, “Was it such a dastardly act that warranted such a drastic punishment?” There have been many reasons given by many distinguished Poskim. One reason was that Moshe did not sanctify the name of Hashem amongst the people which would have been achieved by merely speaking to the rock which would have shown greater Kiddush Hashem than hitting the rock.
Another reason we can understand by this act was that Moshe expressed anger, which was not the way a leader should act.
However, I am still searching for a more insightful answer.
Permit me to direct your attention to the words that Moshe uses in admonishing the people for their lack of faith in G-D
Moshe says “Shimu na hamorim”, “Listen, you rebellious people.” The word Hamorim, is a very harsh expression, “Why are you such ingrates that you dare to speak this way after all that Hashem did for you. Where is your faith and reverence for G-D?”
Though the People needed to be admonished for their action, we need to look at the verse more carefully which will clarify why Moshe was punished.
The torah states,”שמעו נא המורים המן הסלע הזה נוציא לכם מים"
“Listen now, Oh Rebels, shall “WE” bring forth water for you from this rock?” I put emphasis on the word “WE”, which implies, that Moshe and Aaron by themselves had the power to produce water from the rock. Moshe should have said “Shall HASHEM bring forth water from this rock?” I, strongly, feel that this is the reason why Hashem said to Moshe and Aaron “You have not sanctified my Name to the Jewish People”.
The Lesson is quite simple. We may all succeed in all our endeavors in life, but at all time we must never lose sight of the role that G-D plays in our successes. We need, at all times, to use all our G-D given capabilities and qualities to achieve our goals and then turn our heads to Shamayim and say Thank you Hashem for being there for me and encouraging me on the דרך האמת for which I am most grateful and appreciative.
This idea can indeed be extended to our Parents, to our Grandparents and to all who have paved our road to success. “ Man is not an island unto himself, he is part of a greater nuclear family.”
Hakara Hatov can go a long way in making our lives more meaningful and successful.