I pen this blog from Boynton Beach, Florida where we are enjoying a well deserved vacation. Although we are having "fun in the sun" our minds begin to think about the forthcoming Yom Tov of Pesach, as we read Parshas Hachodesh this Shabbat. A Parsha that speaks about Chodesh Nissan, the glorious month wherein we will celebrate our Yom Tov of Geulah.
When the Jewish people came to Egypt it states:
"Each man and his household came" - איש וביתו באו - they came as a "clan".
However, when the time came for the Geulah, when Hashem addressed Himself to Moshe, it states:
"ועתה לכה ואשלחך אל פרעה והוצא את ״עמי״ בני ישראל ממצרים
"And now go and I shall dispatch you to Pharoah and you shall take My people, the Children of Israel out of Egypt." Hashem refers to the Jewish People as an עם, a People.
The term עם is similar to the word עם 'IM' 'WITH" suggesting a sense of togetherness and solidarity. In Egypt, the Jewish people were not very spiritual due to the slavery conditions, but they did, at all times, exemplify a people of kindness and concern for each other. It was this solidarity that brought about the Geulah and the final redemption. We learn from them that the most important attribute of the Jewish People is an expression of Chesed and solidarity with each other as was evident even during the trying times of slavery. As a free people we need to find in our hearts a sense of fellowship and brotherhood to lead us to that final Geulah Shlemah.
Permit me to paraphrase Danny Ayalon, Deputy Foreign Minister of the State of Israel, "We may not achieve uniformity , but we need to achieve unity."
I echo his words in these times because of an attitude that is prevalent, which I refer to as the "one-up-man-ship" syndrome. We must work 'together' to achieve the betterment of mankind and glory of Judaic living.
It is time to recognize the great need of Achdut or else we will not achieve the title of עם, of being a true עם קדוש and an עם סגולה.
Let us recite the הא לחמא עניה this year, with the great כונה that our future as עם ישראל is greatly dependent on our solidarity and a true אהבת ישראל.
We will ask at the Seder "Why is this night different from all other nights?" My answer is "This is a night of brotherly love, of unity and concern for one and other."
Remember well that when we realize we are part of the same Human family, then we will come up with real and everlasting solutions.
The best compliment we can pay our past is to prophetically and kindly face today and tomorrow.